Caritas Cancer Institute, Kottayam, Kerala
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Changing Trends of Cancer Incidence in Kerala Changing Trends of Cancer Incidence in Kerala



Cancer is a significant public health concern worldwide, including in the southern Indian state of Kerala. Over the years, cancer incidence rates have been increasing, necessitating a closer examination of the changing trends in cancer occurrence. This write-up aims to provide an overview of the changing patterns and factors contributing to the rising incidence of cancer in Kerala.



Changing Trends:

  1. Increasing Incidence:

    Kerala has witnessed a significant rise in cancer cases over the last few decades. According to the Kerala Cancer Registry, the incidence of cancer has tripled in the state since the 1990s. This surge can be attributed to several factors, including lifestyle changes, improved cancer detection and diagnosis, and increasing life expectancy.
  2. Age Distribution:

    One notable trend is the shifting age distribution of cancer cases. While cancer was once considered a disease of older adults, there has been a noticeable increase in cancer among younger individuals in Kerala. This shift can be attributed to changing lifestyle habits, exposure to risk factors at an earlier age, and genetic predispositions.
  3. Gender Disparities:

    Cancer incidence rates also exhibit gender disparities in Kerala. Historically, cancer cases were more prevalent among males, primarily due to high tobacco and alcohol consumption. However, recent data suggest that the incidence among females is rising rapidly, likely due to changing lifestyle factors, such as smoking, sedentary lifestyles, and reproductive health issues.
  4. Leading Types of Cancer:

    The most common types of cancer in Kerala include breast, cervical, lung, colorectal, and oral cancers. Breast and cervical cancers are particularly prevalent among females, whereas lung and oral cancers are more prevalent among males. The incidence rates for these cancers have shown an upward trend in recent years.



Factors Contributing to Changing Trends:

  1. Lifestyle Changes:

    Kerala, like the rest of India, has witnessed rapid urbanization and lifestyle changes. The adoption of a Westernized lifestyle, including unhealthy dietary habits, physical inactivity, and increased tobacco and alcohol consumption, has been attributed to the rising cancer incidence.
  2. Environmental Factors:

    Kerala's rapid industrialization and pollution have raised concerns about the impact of environmental factors on cancer. Exposure to air pollution, pesticides, and industrial wastes may contribute to the rising cancer burden in the state.
  3. Better Diagnostic Techniques:

    Improved access to healthcare facilities and advancements in cancer screening and diagnostic techniques have contributed to the identification and detection of cancer cases at an earlier stage. This, in turn, leads to higher reported incidence rates.
  4. Aging Population:

    Kerala has a significant elderly population, and with increasing life expectancy, the risk of developing cancer rises. Age-related factors and accumulated exposure to risk factors over time contribute to the rising cancer burden.




The changing trends of cancer incidence in Kerala reflect the interplay of various factors, including lifestyle changes, environmental exposures, and advancements in diagnostics. It is crucial to emphasize the adoption of healthier lifestyles, early cancer detection, and prevention strategies to mitigate the rising cancer burden in the state.